Friday, November 5, 2010

Podcast II

Here is my 2nd attempt at a podcast - this time using aviary. Aviary was very easy to use.
I'll have students that know the words read and record them for the podcast. My younger students can then log in to our blog and listen to the words as they read their list (either on paper, or from the blog page).

This is another way we used a podcast in my class. After learning a poem for Halloween (Fluency Standard), we used Garageband to make it into a song/rap. The students loved the finished product.


  1. Hi Bill,
    I tried to listen to your podcast but both didn't work!! :(. Go ahead and fix them before Thursday :) hehe.

  2. Hey Bill,

    Both podcasts played for me. Glad you got them working :)

  3. Hi Bill, yes, now they're working :). I liked the second one more, it is cooooool :).
